Engineering the future of enterprises — by connecting with 1000+ technology startups from every industry and country on Earth

StartupBoomer mission is to be useful for startups and enterprises everywhere. This rings true now more than ever, as we work to address the challenges posed by coronavirus pandemic, geopolitical conflicts and global economic crisis. Our unique role as a platform and technology services provider allows us to connect the dots, bring together an ecosystem of startups, consultants to enable enterprises of all sizes around the world to build the digital capability required to address these challenges.      

We are committed to help organizations harness startup technology to shape their innovation visions, execute their digital transformation journeys, and reinvent their businesses to create sustainable growth. Right now, we're working with many customers on the front lines, including governments, financial and healthcare companies, manufacturers, energy & utility service providers, retailers, and other commercial customers critical to the continuity of services in every country.   

Trusted by the world's smartest companies  

We know many enterprises have been impacted by the global economic woes, stagnating or shrinking growth, inflation, cost pressures and other recessionary forces, very possibly including you. To help companies during this challenging time, we've waived our startup consultant fees for all sales on the platform and rallying to evaluate startups they trust can solve their business problems. Our responsibility does not end after waiving fees today. We consider this just a starting point. We will continue to do the right thing for you, during this crisis and beyond.     

Our goal is to help enterprises deal with the startup revolution, pair them with these powerful forces of change, so they don't miss-out on the big picture and new growth opportunities. We believe this is one of the best ways for forward thinking enterprises to engage at a very early stage with startups that could be a significant value-creator, especially in industries where the disruption is fast paced. If your company wants to develop a business moat and spark a culture of transformation, evaluate our startups to see how they can help your company.      

Loved by the world's technology startups   

Access to new customers can be very challenging for a startup that can't have business and delivery team everywhere. StartupBoomer enable startups to build customer base worldwide. Our startup consultants engage with leading enterprises and advise them on a strategically-aligned selection of startups that meet their business and technology interests. Enterprises also get a unique perspective on the latest trends, as well as firsthand access of disruptive startups and implement the technologies of tomorrow.          

Further to build credibility, especially for startups, a large company as an early customer offers a great validation of the startup's business model and solution to gain new prospects and raise funds from investors. Our platform is built for startup companies of all sizes. If you're looking for your first corporate client, or your 100th, if you're raising your seed round or your Series C, we can help your startup scale to global markets faster - Because we're in the results business, not the tech-coolness business.     

Our love of the startups is at the heart of everything we do. The startups we invest are the legacy we leave for future generations.    

  1. Military helps defense, homeland security, aerospace and intelligence agencies get accustomed with the ever-changing and challenging world. We provide technology solutions across the defense spectrum - from unmanned systems, satellite communications, cybersecurity/warfare, microwave electronics, missile defense, hypersonic systems, counter-terrorism, combat technology and battlefield solutions to bolster our client's national security efforts.    
  2. SpaceRocket provide solutions for spaceflight, space exploration, and earth observation. SpaceRocket technology solutions includes space vehicles such as spacecraft, satellites, space stations, orbital launch vehicles; deep-space communication; in-space propulsion & space sustainability solutions. 
  3. StartupBank is an investment platform that help founders to broadcast their startup pitch and raise funds from investors. Now it's your chance to unleash your creativity and show that you are a true unicorn builder. Send us a compelling video pitch that persuades our investors to back your big, bold and audacious idea. We look forward to seeing your vision for a future!

Powered by the world's startup consultants   

Big companies need organic growth, and they are going back to their startup roots to get it. To help companies eager to tap into the expertise of startups, we are building a network of startup consultants from diverse backgrounds to execute the startup masterplan for leading enterprises across Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Middle East.                       

Sharing great startups with like-minded clients is what we live for. We love non-traditional candidates, interesting backstories, and people who are here for the mission. If your heart beats for startups, brain urge to do meaningful work and driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship - join our network of startup consultants and help us propel the growth trajectory of next-gen startups.

Build a startup-first company. Remember the fate of these giants

Almost all industries have been disrupted by startups. Nowadays it's happening to banks, car makers, logistics companies, FMCG and more. Yet many enterprises are moving slowly in engaging with startups to develop innovative solutions quickly, close to the needs of the customers and in real time. As quoted by Klaus Schwab, "In the new world, it is not the big fish which eats the small fish, it's the fast fish which eats the slow fish." Three great cases are Kodak, Blockbuster and Borders Group. All three used to dominate their respective industries but later filed for bankruptcy protection.      

Startups can contribute to enterprises by offering: 

  1. Speed of operation: Given the shorter period of time to reach break-even due to capital limitation, startups need to operate faster than large corporations to survive. Moreover, a condensed decision chain and methodologies like the lean startup approach (inspired by Toyota Lean Management) support a faster iteration. The need for speed is best summed up by a quote of Mark Parke, CEO of Nike: "One of my my fears is being this big, slow, constipated bureaucratic company that's happy with its success". Working with startups can inspire a corporation to execute faster. 
  2. Innovation: Startups are like a corporate R&D department outsourced. This means corporations have to keep close tabs, and zoom in on relevant innovations before competitors do. Startups innovate in different ways such as business model innovation like Airbnb and Uber which own no real estate or cars. By engaging with startups as early as possible, enterprises gains time to detect tomorrow's trends, to inoculate these innovations and practices into the DNA of company.  
  3. Culture: "Done is better than perfect" and "Move fast and break things" are some examples of the culture at Facebook and other startups. For this reasons, many Fortune 500 enterprises are working with startups to change their internal culture which is usually risk-averse and KPI-driven.  

We believe, surely not every enterprise is content to just sit on all that capital, watching the world go by? We hope that by finding and sharing the stories of world's best startups, it will make success less elusive and easier to replicate. And be a small step in getting more corporates to tap into the new global engine of innovation known as startups, in ways where everyone wins, especially enterprises themselves.  

Moreover, when your enterprise work with a startup, you're not helping a large conglomerate gain a market dominance. You're backing an entrepreneur to fuel his vision, boosting the startup ecosystem to create new jobs and get access to high-tech solutions at a fraction of the cost.